{Homestead Life} ...and then we danced in the rain.
I could hear the thunder in the distance. He had been swinging on his newly fixed tree swing for what seemed like well over two hours. Spring was here, and being outside was what he loved best. He hadn't played video games or watched tv for over four days, because he was determined that, when feasible, his young days of boyhood would be spent outside.
He's five years old now. Five years old.
The thunder was far away now, but the clouds were still moving closer. There was no fear of lightening at this point, but I refused to get wet if the rain decided to come crashing down. It's time to go in, I thought to myself. But I knew I would be greeted with "just a little longer, mom".
I stood at the door with my arms crossed and shouted a quick and stern, "just two more minutes!" The smell of rain wasn't far off, and it reminded me of the times I would sneak outside in the middle of the Summertime to run around in the rainstorms. Sometimes, mom even joined me.
I wondered, when did my own childhood slip away? When did I stop enjoying "girlhood" giggles and memory making?
It's incredible how a sound or a smell can bring back so many memories.
And as the two minutes were up -- and he grumpily stomped down the hill towards the front door -- the heavens opened, and the rain came down. He stopped, looking at me with a little grin. And as I smiled back, looked up at the sky, and back at him...I knew that now more than ever, this would be a memory of my own childhood that I wanted to share with him.
As the rain poured down our cheeks, and the mud splashed up onto our feet...we made a memory. I put the camera down, placed all electronics and outside world influences into house....
Love this! It is the little moments that mean the most!