March 16, 2015

{Homestead Life Series} Spring Time is Coming

Winter has been so hard here in Virginia this year. We've gotten several snow storms, but it hasn't even been a snow factor. It has more so been the fact that everything is completely saturated from the snow and rain that we've received this Winter. Our homestead has been a never ending mud pit, and our poor animals, which are used to being "pasture" raised, have been significantly lacking in the "pasture" area.

Just as we are, the chickens are especially excited now that the ground has dried up almost completely. Their coop got a wonderful cleaning this past weekend, and they enjoyed their free ranging once more. Not only has the Winter weather put a damper on our flocks foraging, but so have hawks and eagles this year. You know it's a bad Winter when hawks and eagles consistently attack your backyard flock through out the season.

There are so many chicken faces on our homestead. So often, now days I seem to only talk about our new breed, Icelandic chickens. But I wanted to take some time to show you just a few of the other faces around here. Our homestead consists of several chicken breeds, simply because we love their beauty. Some of them, in exception to our Icelandics, are Rhode Island Reds (pictured below), Silver Laced Wyandottes (the first photo above), Barred Rocks (the middle photo), Delawares, Easter Eggers, and some barnyard mixes.

Spring is coming, and the very first day of it is to arrive on Friday. We will see if the weather agree's, but until then, we'll enjoy this Spring type weather!

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