March 21, 2015

{One Year Session} Ryan is a year old!

It's always an honor -- watching little ones that aren't mine grow right before my eyes. I have to sit back and think that this must be how my old public school teachers felt when they had to send their kids to a new grade at the end of each year -- time goes by, much too quickly. But it's a necessary part of life, and a beautiful part of life.

A couple of weekends ago, precious baby (now toddler) Ryan celebrated his very first year of life. Just a few short days after his first birthday, I got to celebrate with him. Just as I did one year ago, a few short days after his birth....I got to snuggle with him, and welcome him into the world along with his momma, daddy, and big brother. And now a year later, here we are again.

It's unbelievable, how much can change in just one short year. As parents, we hope for it, then we dread it, and then we regret wishing it away and hope for time to slow down. But most of all, our hearts are so overwhelmed with love and joy for these precious little souls that are entrusted to us. And while time flies by, we can't help but wonder who they will grow up to be one day. They will be loved, they will be strong, they will be wonderful -- and we'll be there, right beside them, the entire way.

Happy Birthday, sweet little Ryan! You are amazingly loved and cherished!


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