August 28, 2011

Zoo animals and other random things,,,

Autumn is right around the corner -- whether you like it or not!  Me?  Well, I'm pretty flippin' ecstatic about it!

I can't wait to go to fall festivals, eat caramel apples, bake pies and pumpkin cookies, and then....the holidays....oh the holidays with a toddler :)  I just can't wait.

Took a quick snap shot of these deep red mums outside in my yard the other day.  They are just starting to get blossoms on them and that usually means that fall will be making it's appearance in about another 3 to 4 weeks.  We've already had some cooler weather, but I'm not sure if that's a good sign or not!  Early cool weather can mean a big and bad winter!

My husband and I took some time off on Friday to take our son to the zoo -- thought I'd share a couple pics from that.  They aren't anything spectacular as I was trying to enjoy my time with hubby and son!  However, I did learn a LOT about photography on Friday -- lighting, movement etc.  It was a fun experience in many ways!

Entrance sign at the Luray Zoo (if you're near Luray and you have a toddler or child, this is a GREAT place to take them)

This crazy deer -- he about came over the fence trying to get some corn from our hands!

He also wouldn't come around until he smelled corn haha

Water Buffalo....or something like that

I haven't had a ton of time to take photo's recently.  I'm also still in the process of trying to save up for a decent DSLR.  Hoping I have one by December or at least the beginning on January.  Here are some of my most recent pics.

Autumn Beauty -- getting ready to bloom!  (right beside my mums outside)

Orange Butterfly (edited)

Another butterfly sitting on my beautiful butterfly bush outside

This is Max, the neighborhood dog.  He is such a sweet little guy....had to get a pic of him.  

That's about it for now.  Hope everyone survived the Earthquake and the Hurricane!  The east coast is just crazy this week.  Maybe I should move to CA? ;)


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