September 13, 2011

Autumn and things...

I get so excited every morning I drive up rt 211 to work, and see the leaves starting to get that yellow tint to them.  I LOVE fall.  I can't say it enough.  There is just something about it that I love more and more every year.  Maybe it's the fact that I met the love of my life in fall.  Or maybe it's because I had a tiny baby in the beginning of fall.  Who knows, but to me, it's just the perfect season.

No, I don't have any pretty fall photo's to share with you today, but I have some others that I'll share :)

This past week a dear friend of mine was kind enough to lend me her Nikon D50 camera.  She never uses it and it is in mint condition.  I'm hoping she'll sell it to me when I see her at the end of the week!  It takes some pretty amazing pics and would really be the perfect camera for me to start out with.

Here are some photo's I took with it this week -- some are edited, some are not.  I did notice that if I do buy this camera, I am definitely going to have to invest in some other lenses that do better in low light.

I love this one (below) :D  I couldn't help but do my regular editing!

Straight from the camera (below)

another straight from the camera (below) it could use some lightening up though. It was about to rain haha

I never realized what bumblebee's wings looked like until I chased this little guy around!

I'm getting more and more excited about the opportunities with photography.  I didn't realize how much it was in high demand.  It's amazing -- my local community is swamped with local, good quality photographers and every single one of them seems to stay busy all of the time.  I can definitely attest to that as well.  Just this week I've gotten more interest from people wanting me to do their family photo's, Christmas photo's etc.  I am SO excited...beyond excited really.  I'm also super excited about doing my best friend's engagement photo's at the low water bridge in Amissville in October :D

I was just telling someone yesterday, I used to hate taking photos...just absolutely hated it.  But when I saw what came out of that camera and how photo's could be edited and enhanced, I became amazed.  It's fun to me now, and I love putting a smile on other people's face.

I can't wait to see where this journey takes me!  Thank you all, again, for all of your support and interest :)  It means the most to me!!

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