January 2, 2013

Happy New Year! | 2012 in review

I'm a little behind on this post, just by a few days ;) 

I want to, once again, take the time to review this past year of being in business. I absolutely love every single session that I've done. Some presented challenges for me, but they were WONDERFUL learning experiences. I never stop learning, never. 

Just a little run down of Amy Fewell Photography (AFP) history before we get started.
I started AFP in June 2011 with my first official "people" shoot on October 31st 2011. Before I started doing portrait sessions, I did nature and landscape photography. Something that I still love to do!
2011 was amazing, and I had about two sessions per month (Oct, Nov, and December). 

So here are some things that happened through out 2012!

In January I knew things wouldn't pick up from 2011. It was cold and blustery, so I had some time to write out a business plan (mostly in my head HA!) and pull some business things together. I did have some sessions though :)

The Myers/Lee Family

February was another quiet month for us, but I was very busy with other work (as I work for a regional magazine and local newspaper). We spent some time at Mountain Run Lake, had our bouts of sickness and fatigue, and couldn't wait until Spring arrived!

In February, I also started making customized wedding hangers. Don't mind the fuzz etc., I had just finished the hanger. This particular one was actually made in January, for one my my dear friends' weddings :)

In March, my husband and I celebrated our 6 year wedding anniversary :) Hard to believe it's been almost 7 years now that we've been married!
Unfortunately I don't have an anniversary photo :P

In March, we battled pink eye. Poor baby.

March was a big month for me.
My husband and I had made a deal that if we only had to pay a certain amount on our taxes in 2012, that we would immediately go out and buy my new camera. I had been borrowing a camera from a friend whenever I needed it, so you can see how complicated it was to book sessions!
Well, needless to say, we had to pay a lot MORE than what we expected in taxes in 2012 (from 2011), so I didn't get to buy my camera.

However, I am blessed with some incredibly amazing people in my life who surprised the heck out of me, and I came home to a beautiful new camera. I can never thank them enough!

April was our goofy month. We were finally all HEALED from being sick for the past few months.

I tried my very first pinterest recipe -- c'mon ladies, you know this is BIG!! ;) It was delicious!!
But now, for the life of me, I can't find the pin for the recipe!! It's the cheesy chicken croissant bake.

Also scored some sweet new boat shoes ;)

May was particularly big for AFP as I photographed my very first wedding! It was certainly exciting!

Christopher & Bethany's Wedding

I also had my first maternity session in May.
Michael, Amber, Makenleigh + Baby Boy!

In June, business started picking up a bit, but I didn't actually have any sessions booked in June. However, they were booked for the coming months.

July also came and went without any sessions, but that was completely ok with me. I was going through several changes with my other jobs and July was extremely hectic. 

We survived the famous Derecho storm in July. Wow, that was certainly scary!!
We had to bunker down in our basement for the first night while it was happening, and then the following 5 days were spent in our living room with a generator outside. We had to purchase a window unit air conditioner because it was amazingly hot outside. We sectioned off the living room with some sheets in the doorways so that it stayed cold.

Needless to say, I cleaned the house like CRAZY when the electric came back on!

We enjoyed fire works at Great Meadows in the Plains.

In July, we took the first vacation that we've had in about 4.5 years. It was DELIGHTFUL! And I cannot wait for vacation this year! We spent a few days at Virginia Beach. Nothing extravagant, but our little guy loved it, and so did we.

My little man and his Paw-Paw

We certainly had some awesome nap times at the beach!! He was tuckered out!

We visited the National Aquarium.

And we even enjoyed watching a storm just off the coast.

August is when the photo "boom" started happening. I received email after email from clients wanting to book photo sessions. It was also just a busy month for us in general!

On August 31st, our little guy turned three....THREE! I can hardly believe it has been 3 years.
Here he is enjoying some cake icing -- yeah, it was a late night.

Also in August,

The Combs Family

Vintage Cousins
Had so much fun with this session!! They were TOO cute!
This was my very first time for equine photography.....and I LOVED it! They are such sweet creatures, and curious too! ;)

September & October:

Business really started picking up now. I added a beautiful Nikon 50mm 1.8g to the camera lens gang. 

I also started offering flash drives.

I had the opportunity to spend some time with my grandparents and family at Graves Mountain Lodge :)

And I had several more sessions!

The Bovee Family

The Foard Family
Love them to pieces!

Mike + Nicole | Fall Mini

Ashleigh + Doug

The Blevins Family
Yikes!! I just realized I never blogged this beautiful family's session!! Shame on me :(

November & December

November and December were even busier, especially since I began offering mini sessions for Christmas. 

Mark + Kim
I never blogged this one either, yikes. Really slacking here!! They are my in-laws, I think they'll understand ;) 

The Marshall Family

The Bobst Family

The Beahm Family
I haven't blogged this one yet either *blush* but will this week!

The Myers Family
I just finished this session up last night, so will be blogging this sometime in the next week :)

You guys totally swamped me during the holiday season and I thank you SO MUCH for that!! From September through December, business really picked up, so much so that I could barely keep up. And it looks like it is continuing into 2013! I'm already booking sessions for January, February, March and even into the Spring time. Thank you so much for helping me make AFP such a successful business in 2012. You amaze me!!

I have so many new things in store for you guys in 2013, so stay tuned! <3

Happy New Year!

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