June 24, 2013

Today you are you, that is truer than true...

"Women of God can never be like women of the world. The world has enough women who are tough; we need women who are tender. There are enough women who are coarse; we need women who are kind. There are enough women who are rude; we need women who are refined. We have enough women of fame and fortune; we need more women of faith. We have enough greed; we need more goodness. We have enough vanity; we need more virtue. We have enough popularity; we need more purity." 
[Margaret Dyreng Nadauld]
Women of God or not, I have to say that this is my life goal -- to be a woman of integrity both personally and professionally. A lot of people tell me I shouldn't be open with my 'beliefs' when it comes to my business -- that I should just hide them. But it's a part of "me", and a part of my life.....even if I don't mention it at your photo sessions ;) Therefore, it is a part of my business. I would expect you to do the same as a business owner.
A couple of weeks ago I received a few emails (which I have been hesitant to share on my business page) from other local photographers as well as clients, thanking me for my 'openness' and allowing them to see me for, well, me (and for not forcing myself down their necks, both personally and professionally) -- whether they agree with my 'beliefs', or don't agree with my 'beliefs'. It is inspiring, to say the least, to receive emails from both sides, both saying "...you inspire me to be bold and loving in my business as well, because my business is a reflection of me". And it so does my heart happy to hear those words from people -- putting their foot down and not allowing society to bring them down to the "popularity contest" level. In the run of the contest, they lose themselves.
There is something to be said about integrity in businesses now days, and I assure you, you'll receive integrity here, both as a client and as a fellow photographer (if you are one). If at any time you don't, please call it to my attention immediately! I wish that more photographers could see each other as role models and friends, versus competitors and the next person on the chopping block. And I wish more clients had better experiences with photographers, versus having to wait 3 months before they receive 10 photos, or having their photographer heckle them every month to take more photos -- giving the rest of us a bad rep. We aren't all that way, trust me!

I wish...I wish....

I don't tend to do personal blogs on my business page, that's something I've never been a huge fan of, but I know there are several new (and experienced) photographers who follow my blog....so this is for them :) Never compromise yourself for anyone or anything....not even your business or for business. There's a difference between being yourself and being obnoxious. Don't be obnoxious or a horn tooter. If you are true to yourself and your business, your clients will know it. You won't have to force feed them over exaggerated integrity or life history or beliefs. You won't have to assure them every 5 mins that their money is worth your talent, nor will you have to defend your pricing on facebook for the entire public eye to see every other week. You won't have to beg people to book sessions with you. And you certainly won't have to email them and ask them why they chose another photographer this year rather than using you again. And even if they don't choose you again, chock it up as a learning experience -- at least you knew you had integrity. 
So here's to the ones who go against the "flow"...against the cookie cutter photography business. The ones who have been through it, are going through it, and who have yet to reach that point. You're amazing. You're inspiring. And never forget that there is most likely always someone looking up to you -- be a voice, not an echo.

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” [Dr. Seuss]

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