Let me first start by saying that I love this family to pieces. They are so fun and genuine. My heart just jumps for joy every time I get a facebook message or email from them asking me to do another session for them. This will be the third session I've done for these beautiful people, and I am so thankful for clients like them!
A couple of weekends ago I met up with these lovelies at Crockett Park in Midland, VA. Catlett....Midland....whatever -- they're both the same to me!
Anyway, they rocked the camera. Why? Because they just had so much fun. They were out of control natural and themselves, which made my job so much easier!
I cannot stress to my clients enough that being themselves and natural during a session is the biggest key to a good photo session. I want to connect with you. I want to laugh with you and make jokes with you. I'm a pretty weird lovably funny person!! And chances are, I'm more concerned with what you are thinking about me on the other side of the camera, than what I am thinking about you on your side of the camera.
Here are a few of my favorites from this session.
Ashley specifically asked for the hand pose -- thank you Pinterest! I love this pose and have been wanting try it for awhile now. Here are the loving hands of Ashley, her mother and her maternal grandmother. Don't worry, we made dad do a photo like this as well haha ;)
Ashley and her mother, grandmother, and her little guy, Shayne.
Shayne with his mother, granddad, and paternal (great) grandmother!
There's a story behind this photo, which I love dearly. They tried to recreate an old photo that was taken of the three of them when Ashley was just a little one :)
Taking a honeysuckle break!
So silly -- loved these props!
It was time to take a photo of Ashley, her mother and her grandmother. Grandma did a wonderful job holding her emotions in until I asked them to wrap their arms around her. And then the tears came -- from happiness, of that I am sure! And I won't lie -- she had this photographer right here almost crying right along with her. Surprisingly enough, I held my 'cool' and didn't say a word. I wanted to capture this moment and let them relive it, because I honestly wasn't sure if they knew she was crying or not.

This is what I love capturing.
This photo cannot be recreated or have emotion added to it.
This is raw emotion, this is true love. And I am so amazingly happy to have been able to capture this moment....this frozen piece of time for them.
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