December 21, 2013

Goodbye 2013, Hello to a New and Exciting year

In just a few short days, the New Year will be here...

This year has been quite the exciting and hectic year, in so many ways. Between working an (almost) full time job from home, photography, being a wife, mom and homemaker -- life has been busy, to say the least. I have had some overwhelming moments when I thought that I would have to hang my hat up on photography simply because I didn't have the time for it.

But I love it so much.

And I love you guys so much.

So I kept on trucking.

Some of you noticed the baggy, puffy eyes. You  noticed less of a pep in my step and more of a slouch in my shoulders. But you still loved me and blessed my heart -- I appreciate you so much. You were all, every single one of you, so understanding as I struggled through clicking the shutter when I couldn't even feel my fingers. And you were especially understanding when we had to reschedule sessions due to my wrist surgery in November.

The truth is...

Watching your children grow before my eyes. Seeing those first baby grins, literally just a few days "new". Celebrating your love with your soon to be significant other, and drooling over the engagement ring in the process. And most recently, celebrating that very special day of love with you -- your wedding day. And then we start with the baby grins all over again...

I am a professional photographer. But by no means have I finished learning. I have learned so much this year, and get used to it, because I'm pretty sure I'll say that every year. I look back on sessions from even just 6 months ago and think "I wish I could re-do it...because I know that I could do it better now". 

And you guys are there, tooting my horn and being patient with me the whole way. For that, I am eternally grateful.

I am amazingly excited for what 2014 is bringing for my clients -- old and new. And for my personal life as well. It seems as though I'll be having some more time on my hands come the end of January, as I will be leaving my newspaper position (still doing the magazine for those wondering) -- it's bittersweet, but I think it's also a blessing in disguise. No matter what happens, we know that our God has an amazing plan for our lives and for our little family.

So, with more time on my hands, I plan to take on more sessions and will be offering more fun and amazing things. But this doesn't mean they'll be cheesy :) Of course, before photography, my little man comes first. He will be starting Kindergarten this Summer/Fall, and Kindergarten takes place right at our kitchen table.

This momma is going to be busy....

This new year is a re-branding year for me. I love my clients, and I want more like them.
I love those of your who get caught up in the details, the art of your love for one another. Those of you who don't want to be a stick figure and take the extremely posed photos. Those of you who say "just go with it, we'll do anything you want"...and actually mean it.

I love those of you who come with idea's, but also allow me to be me. If you're looking for a pinterest photographer, that's not me, and quite honestly, it intimidates me and makes my brain shut down.

I love those of you who take hours to match your outfits, and most of the time, buy 2 different sets because you can't figure out which ones match properly. I love it when you email me 20 times asking what you should wear, it's fun for me too!! I want you to know the importance of your outfits, because outfits really can make or break a photo. I hope to post a blog about that soon. Until then, email me 21 times if you have to. :)

I love those of you who trust me 100% with your children. Being a mom, I know how hard it is to put the safety of your child into another person's hands, especially those tiny little newborns.
I especially love those of you who know the importance of family photos and make it a priority to take family photos every year -- even if I'm not the one taking them.

Because I know that you value business just like I do (and much of this has to do with my clients), I want you all to be in the "loop" on the business side of things for 2014.

  • Marketing -- I plan to build my maternity, newborn, and wedding clientele. So please keep me in mind when someone you know may be looking for a photographer in these area's. My family and children portraiture is steadily growing, but I have neglected the newborn and wedding side of my business for far too long. In other words, I have way too many newborn props that I am just itching to use!! ;)
  • Preparing for sessions -- I will be spending a lot more time on the pre-planning stage of each session (story boards, inspirational pinterest boards, etc), even small sessions. Prepare to be bombarded with idea's and maybe some cool props! If you'd like for me to create an inspirational board specifically for your session, that's a possibility too ;)
  • Camera Gear + Upgrades -- I am saving up (as much as possible) for a new camera body. I have severely outgrown my camera and it irritates the dickens out of me. I cannot produce better quality photos without a better camera. Yes, I know that sounds stupid, especially to me, and especially to all of you who hear photographers say "it's not the camera, it's the person". Seriously, get real, there's a reason they make $3,000 cameras. I can limp along with what I have, but if I want that beautiful depth of field and clarity that I long for, that I know I can offer, then I am going to have to splurge on a camera upgrade and use my current one as a backup. So, please excuse my frustration with my camera during your sessions, at least until I get a new one.
    Other upgrade's will also include props -- purchased and handmade. If at anytime there is a specific prop that you are interested in using or having me create, please let me know!!!
  • Weddings -- I have tossed the thought of going full steam ahead with weddings for the past 2 years.
    But in November of this year I decided that it was time. I am now booking for 2014/2015 weddings. However, I will only be booking 6 weddings (for now) for the entire year. I will not book myself up with weddings to the point where I cannot take care of my regular family and children portraiture clients!! I love them way too much to do that to them! Family, children and newborns are still my top priority in my business.
  • Information + Packages -- Each client in 2014 will receive a reminder card in the mail at least 2 weeks before their session. This reminder card will have helpful information about your session and is great to hang on your calendar. Each client will also receive a flash drive with their photos in 2014, along with a small little box in which to keep your flash drive.
  • Networking + Training -- One of my most favorite things to do is help new photographers get their business off the ground. I know, it sounds kind of like I'm helping competition, right? Totally wrong. We all have different styles and businesses, and I absolutely wouldn't be here if it weren't for a very few fellow photographers who have helped me along the way. I simply want to help others along their journey as well. If you are a new photographer, feel free to network with me. I have also started setting up shadowing sessions, where new photographers can get some experience under their belt without having to actually offer "free" sessions all by themselves. Clients: You are NOT obligated to allow other photographers at your session, so please, if I ask you if you are interested in having another photog tag along and you aren't interested, please just say NO. My client (you) is my very first priority.
  • Policy + Deposits -- Each and every single client (unless I've told you otherwise) is required to pay a $35 non-refundable deposit when they book their session, otherwise, their session is not book. I hate having to do this, but I had 4 different sessions scheduled during the holiday season, and those 4 particular sessions did not pre-pay (because I just didn't make them), and all of them canceled their session. I understand that things happen, and that is completely fine. But my time is extremely valuable, and when you cancel last minute simply because you forgot or because you don't want to do the session, that is money out of my pocket -- I could have filled that space and time with someone who truly did want to take the time to do a photography session. Or even worse, I could have planned a fun night with my family. This $35 deposit is put towards your session fee and is used as a "holding" fee. Please know that at any time your session can be rescheduled due to illness, weather, and other non-changeable life situations. I am very flexible and I understand that life happens -- I am happy to reschedule, however, an additional $35 deposit will be required (which will also go towards your session).
    In order to give me more time to edit your photos, it will now take 3-4 weeks for you to receive your photos in the mail unless otherwise noted. It takes 2 weeks to edit your session, and it can take another few days to make its way to the mail (and through the mail system). Most clients receive their sessions before or at the 3 week  mark. However, adding that extra week covers all bases for me in case something unexpected comes up (computer problems, mail problems, vacation, personal life, etc).
  • Design + Handmade Props -- I will be doing more digital design (logos, marketing products, etc) for photographers in the new year, and they will be for sale on Etsy. I will also be making many of my own props, which will also, eventually, be for sale on Etsy. If you are a photographer and are looking for something particular, please contact me directly. Click here to go to my Etsy shop.
That's pretty much it, jack :)

Be on the look out for my new business cards and branding...
If you're a vendor or business that would like to have some business cards, please let me know and I'd be delighted to drop them in the mail to you!

Most of all, I want to thank every single one of my clients for making 2013 such an amazing year. You have been an inspiration and motivation to me. You inspire me to be better and do better, and your love for your life and your family bless my heart so much!

If you wouldn't mind, I would love for you to stop by my facebook page and leave a little review of your experience with Amy Fewell Photography. And if you haven't yet done so, give the page a "like" while you're there! So many people skip websites now days and head directly for facebook pages, this this would help me out a lot! 

I look forward to working with so many of you again this year, and some of you for the very first time!

Love, hugs, and blessings...

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