January 1, 2014

Special Dates to Remember in 2014

Happy New Year!!

One of my New Year goals for 2014 is to blog more. I have totally slacked these past few months, but I think I'll hop back on the motivation train again :)

As I know many of you have a tradition of creating New Year Resolutions, I've decided to make your life a little easier in 2014. Some of you may have vowed to be more "organized" in the new year. Other's may have vowed to be more in touch with their planning side. Either way, I've developed a nice little "cheat sheet", per say, for you guys. 

This sheet includes special dates for mini sessions as well as special promo's for certain months of the year. Of course, I do not have complete details for all of these special promo's that are listed, so you'll need to refer back to my facebook page or website often in order to stay up to date with these special promotions. Or, if you'd prefer, you can simply "subscribe" to this blog by email, over on the right hand side, and you'll receive an email whenever a new blog or promo is posted.

Without further ado...

To see this sheet larger, simply click on the photo. If you'd like to print it, you can simply click on the photo, save it and print it on a regular sheet of printer paper. Make sure you "fit to size" so that it doesn't cut any of the words off.

I hope that you have an amazing new year!! If you'd like to see what's going on with my business in 2014, I encourage you to click here to read my recent blog post about important changes and marketing for my business this year.

Stay tuned later this week for a special "Year in Review" blog post!


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