July 6, 2015

The "B" Family | Newborn Session


There's nothing more precious than watching a family grow right before your eyes. When it's your own family, some days it feels like time drudges by. Other days it feels like it was only yesterday. But when it's someone else's family, it seems like time never stops -- babies grow into toddlers, toddlers into little boys and girls, little boys and girls into teenagers and then off to adulthood they go. I'm not old enough to have seen a baby into adulthood just yet (through photography), but I have thoroughly enjoyed getting up in the morning and feeling the joy of getting to greet a brand new soul into a beautiful family that I have photographed for several years.

It was this way just two weeks ago, with precious baby Natalie. Her mommy and daddy and two big brothers welcomed her into the world with love and grace, and it showed while I was there photographing her. Little did she know, I've watched her brothers grow up as well.

Here are a few of my favorites from the "B" family's newborn session....

Thank you so much for allowing me into your beautiful home to capture these wonderful moments in Natalie's first few days of life! She is beautiful, just like the rest of you, and I know that you will thoroughly enjoy having a little girl running around the house soon :)

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