October 17, 2011

Autumn + PSE + Camera Search = fun!

Autumn is officially here!  And I am SO happy about that. 

I've been a little MIA for the past few weeks as I haven't had a camera!  Long story short, I'm on the search for a camera again.  Preferably a Nikon DSLR.  I'm looking at a very nice used D80 right now that just came back from a tune-up at Nikon, so hopefully that works out good!  But we'll see. 

For now, here are some photo's I took this weekend with the good ol' point and shoot.

 the above is my front yard -- I love it :)

I've also been doodling around with Photo Shop Elements (PSE) recently and sometimes I can't pull myself away from the computer while being creative.  Here are some recent blog headers that I've done.

 My personal blog header.  This was my first attempt...be nice.

I've also gotten a little more creative with make a photo Christmas card!  It needs some work, and these are photo's from last year that I'm using as placeholders. Some of the photo's were taken by my mother in law, just to set the record straight :)  Don't want to take credit for someone's work that isn't mine!  Anyhoo, I did this all completely in PSE, my own template, my own brushes, my own text etc.  Again, it still needs a lot of work, and I'm probably NOT going to use this as our Christmas card this year -- but hey, I'm totally open to making Christmas Cards for others! (including this template) 

And that's pretty much it for now!

Hoping and praying God sends a camera my way if it's not the D80 that I'm looking at.  But if He doesn't, well then I guess it's just not meant to be! 


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