November 22, 2011

The Foard Family

This past weekend I had the opportunity to photograph the Foard family in Warrenton, Va.  They were just fabulous!  Their farm is absolutely gorgeous -- a little piece of 'country' near the booming town of Warrenton.  And little Harry, well, he was say the least!
Here are a few photo's from their session on Sunday.
(forgive me, some of these photo's look a little grainy on the blog due to compression, I'm assuming) 

This one was too cute -- Rick said "hey, you know that heart with the hands thing that you did for that other session?  I want to do that too!" :)  So we did!

Rick and Stef, thank you so much for allowing me to photograph your beautiful little family!!  I had a so much fun taking photo's, and I especially had fun editing them and seeing all of your little man's silly faces :)

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