June 15, 2012

Happy Nature Photography Day!!

In honor of national Nature Photography Day -- I've decided to celebrate by sharing some of my most favorite nature photos with you guys!! :)
I started my photography with simple nature photo shots. I wanted beautiful (and local) photos to hang on my walls -- so I decided to take it  upon myself and take my own photos! And so began my photography adventure.

So, from oldest to newest, here are some of my favorite nature photos that I've taken over the past year.

The below photo looks lopsided. I took it with a point and shoot on the side of a hill!

This turkey photo is horrible, absolutely horrible. They were SO far away and I was using my 200mm...and it still wasn't close enough. But, I love this shot either way!

Another point and shoot photo :)

I hope you enjoy them!

Of course, all of these photos are available for print. But, I mainly shared them because of this nationally recognized holiday -- photographers don't have very many holidays devoted to them!


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