January 23, 2013

{Effective Immediately} Deposits and Contracts

Unfortunately I've had some instances in the new year that will require a deposit and contract* on ALL upcoming sessions and photography projects. Contracts will need to be signed and a deposit of the payment will be due before your session or project begins.

*Contracts will only be required on sessions/projects over $300.

Effective immediately:
All clients will be required to put down a $35 deposit when booking their session. This $35 deposit will be put toward your session fee once your session is complete. Howeverif you cancel with in less than a 48hr time period, your deposit is non-refundable. I completely understand that people get sick, the weather is unpredictable, and life happens :) So no worries! I am definitely willing to work with all situations. However, if a client decides to cancel their session within 24hrs of their session taking place, it is a day of work lost for my business. This will also be a wonderful way for you to indefinitely hold your booked session spot/date and for me to effectively use and know what time's I have available for all of my clients (especially if some one cancels in advance). 

If you find that you just can't make your session, you are not obligated to reschedule. But please please please let me know one way or the other if you will or will not be able to make your session. There may be other people wanting the same time slot on the day of your session, and it would be great to know if I can offer that session time to them if you are, indeed, unavailable to make it. 

Please know that at any time, your session can be rescheduled due to illness, weather, and other non-changeable life situations. However, if you reschedule, you are required to put down an additional $35 to hold that date and time slotAny subsequent deposits will also go toward your session fee.

I have the right at any time to reschedule a session or cancel a session due to the same situations. You will not be charged an additional deposit if the reschedule or cancellation is done on my part. 

All weddings, sessions and projects over $300 will be required to sign a contract of terms and conditions, deadline times, specifications, and other pertinent information before the session or project begins. Large or corporate photography projects will be required to sign a contract no matter what the flat rate may be. 

Contracts not only protect me, but they also protect my client. However, in recent situations I have lost a substantial amount of money from clients changing their minds and requirements, or because of lack of communication. Please keep in mind that this is a business, but there is also a person behind this business who puts their life on hold so that they can bring you the best possible quality. 

If at any time I feel that a project cannot be completed on an unrealistic deadline, I will let you know in advance before the contract is signed. If you still insist that I do the project, I will not be held liable for the project's imperfections once the project is completed -- it is impossible to do a perfect job on a restricted deadline.
Please direct any and all questions and inquiries to my email at amy.fewell@gmail.com or my cell 540-827-8285

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