February 4, 2013

Enter side stage | The Tablet

When iPad's and kindles and tablets....all those things....when they first came out, I promised myself I wouldn't get one. I felt like it would take up too much time, seeing as I would be able to carry it anywhere with me. In reality, it was an ingenious creation and one which I didn't want to get sucked into. I didn't want to "lose touch with reality", per say. I wanted to keep my life simple and uncluttered, away from technology (as much as possible).

With that said....

Enter side stage...The Tablet. 

I have been reading a lot more, and for some reason it is easier for me to read on my laptop than it is an actual book. I don't have to scurry around to find a highlighter, I don't have to remember where something is that I want to blog about. I just highlight it on the laptop, book mark it with a note, and viola! Done. So, for the past few months, my husband and I had been seriously considering a tablet, just to make our reading life easier as well as having access to preschool games and learning tools for our little one. However, I was still up in the air about it, technology and all.

Then, a wonderful dearly loved friend of mine blessed us with a tablet just a week or so ago, and I have to say, i.am.in.love. with it! It is going to allow my business to run so much more smoothly. I will especially enjoy having it while meeting with clients (like my meeting with a beautiful bride-to-be this weekend!) and I can reference emails, spreadsheets, and other things that are needed during my meetings with the other companies that I work for. If I would've bought a tablet with my own money, I could easily tell you right now that it is one of the greatest investments I have made for my business. It's 10 times easier than carrying my laptop around, and so much more "visually pleasing" instead of turning the computer around for clients to see photo ideas and other information. They can hold it, right in their hands, and swipe through ideas and portfolios themselves! 

So, there you have it, I'm now officially caught up with the technology that the world has to offer right now -- other than cars that can park themselves, phones that know your heart rate, and houses that tell you good night and make you coffee in the morning (wait, I might have to look into that one!).

Look out world, AFP is on the move ;)


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