January 1, 2014

2013 | A Year in Review

I cannot thank my clients enough for the amazing year they have given me. Receiving so many beautiful Christmas cards with your photos on it -- it just means more to me than you know!

This year has been such a blessing to my heart. I have had so much fun learning so many new and interesting things about myself as a photographer.

I enjoy looking back on my photo sessions through out the year and seeing the changes I have made in my editing style and post processing.

Less editing. More real :)

This past year began with my very first newborn session. Little Violet came into this world with a beautiful head full of hair. She was just as gorgeous as could be, and it's amazing to think she was this little not so long ago. 

The month of love came with a cute little pregnancy announcement. Little Mason was a trooper on this cold winter day. It even snowed for about 5 minutes!

It warmed up just a little bit in March, but the lingering snow made for extremely wet ground! Both of my sessions in March ended with boots caked in mud and wet bottomed jeans. It's moments like those that make me love my job even more. In March, I learned to wear muck boots and old jeans rather than worrying about dressing professionally. Professional clothes don't last long in muddy fields, in case you were wondering.

The Dennis family celebrated their youngest darling girl's first birthday.

Michael + Jessica celebrated their love...and their truck ;)

I was still dealing with soggy butts in April...but I couldn't figure out if it was because of rain or simply because my clients really love fields and farms :)

This extended family was SO much fun! They had me in stitches the entire time.

Sam's sunrise senior portrait session was wonderful. I was able to try out a few new poses with her, and she was very willing to do whatever I asked! Sam is an aspiring photographer, and I can't wait to see where her career choice takes her. 

April showers bring May buttercups flowers! This field behind my in-law's house was just beaming with them in May. I couldn't help but take advantage of them! I'm hoping to offer just a few mini session's here this coming Spring. It's just oh so magical!

May also brought a gender reveal for the Bobst family! Once again, God had His mind set on allowing it to rain that day, but thankfully, by the time this little family's session came along, the rain was no where in sight! Momma had the brilliant idea of getting a blue and pink umbrella for their gender reveal session. It's a girl for the Bobst family!  Oakley Mae made her first grand appearance this Fall -- and she is just the cutest chubster ever!

One of my favorite sessions in May was this absolutely stunning generational portrait session I did for one of my favorite clients. I love photos that have stories, and generational photos are my favorite stories. However, in this one, my shutter clicked at the same time as grandma's emotions and memories. She tried holding back the tears as she wrapped her arms around her beautiful daughter and granddaughter, but as we know, grandma's are good at crying. In fact, I had to hold back a few tears myself. Such an inspirational family this is!

Little Reid had his newborn session in May. Our first attempt....you guessed it...rain. I've been so blessed as to never get rained out these past 3 years, but this year....nope, not so lucky. So I came back the following day, and it.was.gorgeous. And warm!! Reid and Hunter were such troopers, sweet little angels!! Momma left Reid with me a few times, just the two of us, and I couldn't help but snuggle him close. Talk about baby fever!! He slept almost the entire time and was the perfect little model. 

June, it was a HOT one. But we had lots of nice days too! The day of this equine clinic photo shoot though...not so cool! I reallllly enjoyed it though. It gave me a lot of great experience in taking photos of horses and their riders. I was so grateful to be able to take these photos for my Aunt's equine clinic that she held at her home this Spring. She is so amazing to allow me to use their farm in Remington for my clients. So much thanks and praise goes to her and my uncle -- their farm is my most requested location for portraits!

I was honored to photograph this pretty lady's professional head shots in June. She is so talented, and won a major scholarship to finish her degree. She needed her photo taken so that it could be printed along with the essay she wrote in a nationwide police magazine. It has also been posted and printed in our local newspapers.

I could photograph them every single day and I wouldn't get tired of it.
Jeet is amazingly beautiful, and I just loved Jesse's sly look in his photos of the two of them. They totally rocked this Vintage Americana mini session in June!!

Also in  June, I was delighted to do a Vintage Americana mini session for fellow photographer, Jamie Cardine!! Of course, she has plenty of photos of her children, but hardly any of her and her wonderful hubby!

I love this family, too. I have watched little Harry grow these past 3 years. His personality has blossomed so much since the first time I met him! Stephie is incredible with decorating, and she had the tables and chairs set up in the field, ready and waiting for me!! The Foard Family has something new in store for me every year -- they always have to go for "that one pose" and I think they totally nailed it this year!! The unfortunate part of the session is that, as soon as I left, it started...bet you can't guess...yep...raining!! The most unfortunate part is that their house was struck by lightening that evening, literally minutes after I left, and caught fire :( I felt so horrible for this sweet, loving family. Thankfully, they didn't lose their entire home and were able to restore the damage in about 6 months. But my heart certainly did sink when I got her message that evening telling me what happened!! So so so happy everyone is ok!!

This is my second time capturing this little family's fall session. This year, we were even able to get some great candid shots!!

Doug + Morgan's engagement session was probably one of my favorites this fall, if not my favorite this year. They brought their cute little pup with them, and Doug and Morgan were wonderful to photograph. The session came together perfectly. It's one of the few sessions that I have where I sit back and toot my own horn. I tooted it loudly that night. Their love really shined through during their session, and Doug gave us some good laughs as well ;)


Chris + Jordan's wedding came in October. It felt like it took a lifetime to get here. And guess what, IT RAINED. I was so incredibly infuriated that morning as I packed my gear. Whyyyy could it not have stopped raining for just 10 minutes!! I know the bride was just as disappointed, but hey, we dealt with the mess (oh yes, I was muddy), and the day was still amazing!!

The Wharton Family's mini session was wonderful! I was actually trying so very hard not to crack up for the first 10  minutes, because their spunky little girl was very  much afraid of the bridge!! But, she toughed it out and we got some wonderful photos :) Of course, I just realized, I never got around to  blogging their session :(

The Bower's Family had (almost) perfect sunlight for their session in October. The fall colors really showed themselves as the sun started setting! We go to church with this lovely family (and Tiffany is an ahhhmazing insurance agent at Maloney and Ward in Culpeper as well, shameless plug!!) so I was delighted to take their photos for them this fall!

November brought an entirely new set of challenges for me. As many of my clients knew, I was dealing with a severe case of carpal tunnel this year. My right wrist, especially, was to blame. Many times through out sessions, I'd literally have to stop and shake my hand awake. And by the end of October, I was in a lot of pain. No amount of "jiggle fingers" could do the trick. So, I decided to finally take the next step and went ahead with carpal tunnel surgery at the end of November. I'm extremely happy that I did. But before surgery, these were my final sessions of 2013....

The Denison Family, I just love them to pieces. Every time I talk to Ashley, I feel like I've known her for forever. She is so laid back and easy going. I love clients like her!! And, gracious, look how big little Reid has gotten in such a short amount of time!!

Jason, Marie and their boys -- my my, I can't say enough great things about these people. These boys are the most well behaved children I have ever had at a photography session. They were so willing to do and go wherever we wanted. They never once complained or mumbled. And they are just so handsome!! Marie came with lots of idea's, and I'm so glad that she did. Because I was burnt.out. at this point. The pain that I had to deal with during sessions did not make photo sessions enjoyable for me, at all, but this family....they made my job easy!!

The Dawson family -- I have to say I love them because, well, they are family. But I love them more because they are our Pastor and his family! They are so raw, so real. SO hilarious -- these boys had me laughing the entire time.

I have been wanting to photograph this family (especially Ryan and Brittney) for a few years now.
I.was.ecstatic. when I was able to get some photos of this beautiful couple by themselves. So scandalous ;)

My last session of the year, I could not have asked for better weather or a more beautiful sunset. I'm so happy we were able to capture the sun going down behind the tree's, and these two kiddo's were a joy to photograph!! Since my surgery took place the week after this session, I didn't have any time to blog it. So bummed! I might get around to it sooner or later! For now, you can view their sneak peek on my facebook fanpage.

 I want to take a moment to thank each and every single one of you who have been with me for through out my photography journey. Your support, encouragement, and criticism are very much appreciated. I have met so many fabulous people over the past few years, and I get more and more excited every year -- the more I learn, the more I want to photograph!!

I'm hoping and praying that my left hand will not bother me this year as my right hand did last year. However, I will, eventually, have to have surgery on my left hand as well. Your patience, once again, will be so needed and appreciated if my hand does begin to act mean. You may find that I smack my thigh constantly -- I promise, I'm not a weirdo. And if, at any point you see me raising my hand in the air, you're free to wave back....like you just don't care....

I look forward to all that I have in store for you in my little brain this year!! I have big plans, and I hope to bring them to fruition almost immediately in this new year. Stay tuned!! And, as always, to stay "up to date" make sure you "follow" my blog by email by simply putting your email address in the little section over there to the right hand side of the page ==>>

Many blessings to your and your family this New Year!!!


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