August 28, 2014

{Personal} Around here.....

It has been quite awhile since I've posted a personal blog on my photography page. I thought it was long overdue, and there are so many beautiful inspirations around here to take photos of, and not sharing them would just be cruel.

Many of you follow my blog, Boogers & you're probably going to see the same photos and writings here, just more photography geared. Feel free to move along if you want! But for those of you who don't, welcome! This is my a nutshell.

I have been extremely busy these past few months. Not just with photography, but with life. Life passes me by more and more quickly each day. And rather than consuming it with marketing and worrying about business, I find myself filling it with little boy giggles, preparation for homeschool (we start up again the second week in September, a big Kindergartner this year!), and helping small farm livestock make their way into this bright and beautiful world.

My body aches a little more than it used to. My hair is frazzled more so than not. My hands are dry, cracked, and dirty before 7am. And dare I say that they smell like the big "p" word...that's right...animal poop. Everyone does it....don't be so sensitive...

I've usually started my second cup of coffee by then as well...minus the stinky hands...

My favorite shoes are mud boots. My favorite outfit is ripped jeans (and not the $100 kind), an old tshirt, and yes, I do love my yoga pants and leggings. They slip down very easily into those mud boots...

I haven't worn heels in over 2 years...

Junior has kept me on my toes this Summer. You can tell we're out of our routine from school, because he is just all over the place. He's turning 5 on Sunday. I'm not ready for this. Slow down, time....

I'm incredibly thankful that I get to stay home and raise this amazing little boy. He steals my heart every single day.

He'll be starting Kindergarten this September, and I'm especially grateful that I don't have to send him to public school. He gets to stay home and learn with mama -- not just about his ABCs and 123s, but about everyday life and how to live it.

I've been a little more crafty recently, and my Etsy store is booming. I'm so thankful for the extra little income that can come from something so simple.

I make bread almost every other day. We are slowly trying to change over to an all natural food diet, so sour dough bread has been one of our biggest changes. We no longer buy grocery store bread (with a few exceptions every now and then), and it's wonderful. In fact, Mark has even refused Pillsbury biscuits out of a can, because he said he just can't stand the taste anymore.

We are preparing to downsize our chicken flock before the Winter months arrive. Too many mouths to feed since they are used to free ranging. I hate to say goodbye to some of them, but its a necessary thing this time of year.

Samson is now 5 months old, and he's huge. Don't let the photo deceive you. He's at least 60lbs and still a growing boy. 

....but he is so gentle. So loving. So snuggly.

He truly is a blessing to our little family, and brings us so much fun and joy.

We're also preparing for another litter of homestead rabbits. These little things make your heart melt every single time. And while it's never easy when the time comes to process them, you are so much more grateful for their bounty. There's a special connection that cannot be explained with these animals, unless you raise your own food right in your backyard.

Needless to say, we're busy over here. And while life on the homestead is crazy, I so welcome my clients sessions when they come. It's a breath of fresh air, and my creativity is at it's finest now more than ever. I was talking to a friend yesterday -- one of those friends that you don't talk to often, but when you do, you pick right back up from where you left off. She reminded me of how far I've come in this journey of photography. From where I started, to where I am now.

And you know, she's right

My goal in photography has never been to "make it big". My goal in photography has never been a popularity contest. 

It has always been to offer the best that I can in that particular moment to that particular family. And my style and talent has changed, and will continue to change, every single year.

It has always been about, "how can I help them capture this moment in life forever", not just for the paycheck or the recognition. 

It has always been "simple"....because I love simple...and I do simple well. 

And that's what it will always, always, be....


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