This past year, the year 2014, was a huge learning experience for me. Not just personally, but professionally as well. Personally, I struggled with many different things, which you can read more about on my personal blog, Boogers and Jesus. But professionally, it was just as profound and full of growth.
Last year was an extremely hard year for me in photography -- not financially, because I certainly had the clientele coming in. But personally, I didn't have as much motivation due to so many issues (health, overwhelming schedule, etc). However, I also had other photography projects I began working on -- magazines, books, blogs -- and I truly believe they opened the door to the revitalization and reorganization of Amy Fewell Photography.
This New Year will be incredible, and I am extremely excited about it. And not just in that "I'm saying I'm excited but I'm really not excited" way like I was last year. I mean, I am really excited about this year.
As you may have noticed, my photography website is no longer active and has been morphed into a new website with all of my information on it -- editorial and media, food photography, writing, blogging, and of course, my regular portrait sessions as well. You can view it at At the same time, I have kept this website up and running strictly as a blog for my client sessions and new projects that I'm working on. I still want to interact with my clients, all while blogging some of the personal side of photography, the homestead, and more.
I realized this year that I don't have to just be a photographer. Yep, I don't. I am and always have been so much more. I'm a wife, I'm a mom, I'm a writer, photographer, journalist and blogger. I have so many projects that I'm working on, that it's silly of me to create a new website for each one. And honestly, so many times, they all go hand in hand anyway. This is why I created a new website, and a new "me" this year.
This year is my year of organization, of relaxation in my business, and of not feeling "obligated" to have a certain amount of clients or do a certain amount of work just to "keep up" with everyone else. My life passes me by day by day, and if I'm not enjoying my own family and the important things, then what really matters? This year, I'm going to enjoy the hobby, not just the business. I'm going to do more fine art "Homestead Life" photos for my photo series, and less "obligated" work. But at the same time, I am going to enjoy the heck out of taking photos of people that are just like me. The dreamers, the farmers and homesteaders, the moms who love the heck out of their babies and the fella's who love their ladies even more. I want to take on the old clients and the new clients who want a relaxing and care free experience. I want to take on the clients who don't want to put on a show for their sessions, but truly want to capture the essence of "them". And I will....
My clients have helped me grow so much over these past four years -- and I could not be here without them. They've supported me, criticized me, pushed me to new heights and talents, and encouraged me to be more than I thought I ever could be.
I get to see babies turn into teenagers. I get to see granddaughters cry tears of love when holding their grandmother. I get to hold newborn souls who look up and smile at me, not even knowing who I am, they just "know". I get to write stories, books, articles, and blogs about my passions and simpler living. I get to take crisp photos of syrup running down pancakes at 8 a.m., when the sunlight is best streaming through my kitchen windows. I get to care for animals who support and help our family live a life worthy of sharing its bounty. I get to kiss my man when he leaves in the morning, and feel his arms around me when he comes home in the evenings. I get to be my sons teacher, and inbetween those rough moments, I get to snuggle him and show him grace. And most of all, I get to do it all with a grateful heart....and it is the best job in the entire world.
So, here's to a New Year. It's going to be a beautiful one....
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