January 5, 2015

New Website!

The New Year is bringing some new changes to Amy Fewell Photography. Last year brought some incredible new things to me that I was never expecting to enjoy. But as I grow in it, I enjoy it so much more.

As always, I am still very much active in booking photo sessions, but this past year grew into more than just families and newborns -- it grew into books, publications, writing, more blogging, and most of all, homesteading. The new website will incorporate all of these aspects so that it's easier to keep track of and easier to find information all in one place.

With that said, I am slowly phasing out www.amyfewellphotography.com. You can now view my new website with pricing and other information at, www.amyfewell.com. Please join me over there, and let me know if you have any questions!!


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