September 2, 2015

Food and Real Estate Photography | August 2015

I've been hard at work on my magazine these past 2 months, and that includes photography. I have really started to grow in the food photography world, and it's exciting. I've always heard that food is hard to photograph, and it's true. I'm learning, slowly, but I'm learning!

Above and below are photos of my recipe, Venison in Mushroom Sauce. It's kind of like Steak Diane, but with Venison. I so prefer Venison to beef and pork. There's just something about it that's divine. Make sure you pick up the Fall issue of The Piedmont Virginian for the recipe.

We also have an article about apple cider in our Fall issue, hence the photos below.

Another adventure I've started recently is real estate photography. I'm getting better, but still have a lot to learn. I photographed the below property for Betsy Hille, with Washington Fine Properties in Washington, VA. The house presented a lot of photo challenges, as it wasn't completely ready to be photographed the first time I went out. But the second time proved to be better with lighting and the inside painting being finished.

-- Amy --

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