September 1, 2015

hello september

It's hard to believe that September is already here. As I drive down my back country road, I notice some peaks of red and yellow on the trees. Just a hint, but they are there at times. We recently purchased a year long pass to Shenandoah National Park, which is only about 15 minutes from us. I foresee a lot of hiking and Fall photo taking in our future. I can't wait.

There are a lot of other things coming up as well -- Fall photo sessions will be in full swing soon. I am once again offering mini sessions, details will be listed below. And I'm quick at work trying to figure out a set-up for our Christmas mini sessions. I'm not sure if I want to go with the Christmas tree farm again this year, or if I just want to do a cut little set-up. Either way, I'll be offering them again this year as well. Again, details will be listed below.
In bigger news, our (not so) little guy enjoyed his sixth birthday yesterday!

That little dot right below the space shuttle....yep....that camouflage dot.....that's him.

We've been busy with work and preparing for home school again this year. August flew by and I feel like I never got to stop and enjoy it. But life is grand and in the big scheme of things, that's all that matters.

Stay tuned for blogs on the projects I've been working on recently for food photography and more. 

In the meantime, here are the MINI SESSION details!

20-30 Minute Session
10+ digital photos in online gallery
location of your choice*
Blanket will be provided, but there won't be any props -- I like to let nature do its thing!

20-30 Minute Session
10+ digital photos in online gallery
location TBD
As always, you are free to use the Christmas set-up or not (or both!).

*Fall mini session locations are by choice, however, there is an extra charge of $20+ if outside of my regular travel area.


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