October 3, 2012

What Do I Wear? | And other client tips

Blue pattern shirts for the boys, white long sleeve t-shirt for mom. Simple, but so beautiful!
My clients often ask me what they should wear to their photo session, and with so many sessions coming up this month, I thought I'd make a post about outfits and what to wear to your upcoming session! I'll also touch a bit on what you can expect from your session and tips on how to  make the session run smoother.

The first thing I always tell my clients is you don't have to 100% match!! I've seen some pretty horrible photos from the 1990s of everyone matching -- white shirts, blue jeans, brown boots.....looks like a horrible private school group photo. This is your photo session, something you'll want to capture and hang on your wall for years to come -- something you want to reflect the REAL you! Half of the time, clients wear things they wouldn't normally wear otherwise out in public....it's a no no (unless going for a special look or style in your photo). At least with my style of photography. I want to capture you and your family, your children, your other half, or just you in general!

Some tips when looking at outfits or while trying to match outfits:
  • Stay away from crazy patterns and wacky designs. Unless, of course, that's the look you're going for. Plaid, stripes, light paisley, etc, are totally fine. But neon purple swirls on a spandex shirt is not fine.
  • Think of where your session is taking place and try to match your outfit to the 'feel' of the background and surroundings. If it is fall, wear brown neutrals, plaid with a pop or orange, or a blazer with jeans (other colors: burgundy, orange, green). If it is Spring, wear something more lively, like a very faint yellow mixed with lighter toned neutrals (light browns, pinks, light greens).
  • Make sure you have a POP of funky or bright color, do not saturate your body in color. Ex: a scarf, head band, shoes/socks, earrings, bracelet.
  • I don't like white shirts. It doesn't mean they don't make for great photos, but, I personally just don't like how the sun reflects off of them. I would stay away from white if you are having a session during the day. Early morning and evening are the best times to wear a white shirt.
  • Men/boys: they don't have to wear the same shirt. One can wear a brown vest while another wears a striped sweater (as long as colors match). One can wear a plaid button up shirt while the boys wear a matching solid color polo.
  • Women/girls: Same with you. Mom can wear a sweater or a solid button down shirt with a colorful sweater draped over her shoulders, and the girls can wear matching color sweaters or dresses, button down shirts, halters, depending on the season.
  • Match COLORS not patterns. One person can wear a pattern while the other matches their layers to the colors in the pattern.
  • Dress for the weather! If it's going to be freezing, wear warm clothes (sweaters, long sleeves, jeans, leggings). If it's going to be hot, wear cool clothes (short sleeves, tanks, roll your sleeves up, skirts, shorts, light jeans).
  • Dress according to the look that you're going for. Vintage? Modern? Some clients even buy specialty clothes for their session.
Vintage props and outfits.
As long as your colors and layers match, don't worry about matching everyone to the same pattern or dressing everyone exactly the same. As far as couple photos go, be yourself, wear whatever you want, you're going to radiate anyway ;)

Now, let's talk about all of the other things that will make your session go smoother.

First of all, LOOSEN UP!!! Believe it or not, I'm just as nervous, if not 10 times as nervous, as you are about your session. And there's nothing worse than taking photos of stick people. It's unrealistic, and everyone can tell when you feel uncomfortable in a photo.
  • Be yourself. If you're smoochy and lovey dovey in public, be smoochy and lovey dovey at your session. If you are silly and wacky, be silly and wacky -- tickle your kids and flip them upside down....I don't care. If you're quiet and somber, be quiet and somber! I want to capture the best 'you' and the way that you and your family or partner interact with one another.
  • Prepare your kids for what's to come. Bring treats, toys, blankets, snacks, a sippy cup -- if they are older, tell them what you're doing, explain to them that it is a professional time but also a time for them to be themselves --- the quicker they cooperate, the quicker the session will be over with. If you have a toddler or baby, make sure they at least have some "resting" time before the session. If you have a teeny baby, having them asleep during the session is totally fine. All in all, bring anything with you (in reason) that comforts your child or that you think they may need in order to keep their attention alert and focused on what's going on. There WILL be time for them during your session to run around and just be themselves! I love capturing those 'non-posed' moments...they make for the best photos.
  • If you have certain poses that you want me to take of you (I can think pinterest for this!), then please feel free to share your Pinterest board or ideas with me before your session. Please also know that I am not a 'copy cat' photographer, but I DO love to do new poses and try create what my clients want! 
Have fun with your session!!
After your session, I will then take my time to go through and process your photos -- edit them, sort them, etc. You will then receive an email or call from me letting you know that I have completed the process and that your  flash drive will be in the mail to you shortly. This process normally takes up to 2 weeks. For clients who prefer to do free instant download, you'll need to download "dropbox" onto your computer (it is free) and share with me your drop box email address so that I can share the photos with you and send them directly to your desktop.

Hopefully this post answers many of the questions that you may have! If you have any other questions, please feel free to email me amy.fewell@gmail.com or message me on facebook! http://www.facebook.com/amyfewellphotography

Below are a few more examples of great outfits!! It just goes to show you that you don't have to 100% match in order to make a great photo!!

I also have a PINTEREST board full of ideas here ==>> http://www.pinterest.com/markandamy06/photography-session-outfits/
Gray and red for Valentine's Day. But great color coordination. Sarah has pop of red, mom has red shirt and plain gray sweater, and Jacob has gray and red plaid!

Mom is neutral, dad and little man have pops of color and pattern. All colors match but are different.

country theme. Neutral patterns -- all different patterns but similar colors.

vintage theme

very contrasting, both dark neutrals

matching styles, different colors, matching colors.

mom has pop of red, dad is neutral, little one is somewhere in between ;)

mom and little one in white, dad in colorful plaid

matching colors, different styles. Mom wearing pop of color.

Everyone is in red and/or black, but do not match. Just matching colors.

Everyone is in red and black, in some way or another, without matching.

plaid for the boys, neutral and blue (to match boys) for mom

Moms dress is the "pop" -- boys are wearing khaki's and blue shirts

Plaid shirt for him, neutral sweater and tshirt for her.Pick pops of colors to go long with neutrals.

Mom's dress and Henry's bow tie are matching colors. Green plaid for dad.


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