July 10, 2014

Finding a Photographer | A little about my style....

Dear Clients;
I love you. Really, I do. You guys amaze me and I am so grateful for you. Most of you "get" my style. And I totally get yours.
However, to those interested in booking new sessions, let me just tell you a little bit about "my style".
I love vintage, rustic, country, with a touch of elegance every now and then. It doesn't mean you have to dress that way, but that's the way I shoot and edit. So if you do dress that way, your photos will turn out so much better, I promise ;) The way you dress really DOES matter. Make sure you find a photographer that shoots in YOUR style....even if it's not me.
I do simple editing -- nothing exaggerated or fake. There will be no fake sunsets in the background....because if it didn't happen, then why try to force it? And it doesn't make for natural photos. There will be no editing of wrinkles or facial blemishes (with the exception of teenage boys and those pesky ones that just "pop up" over night! haha). There will be no editing in of monsters, huge houses, a fake ring or things that were never there. I'm capturing something timeless and real, not something fake. 
I prefer very little use of props, with the exception of mini sessions and some newborn sessions (even then, I want timeless), which I try to offer for those who love the props. My regular sessions typically have little to no props. It dates photos, takes longer with kids, and it takes away from the intimacy you need to have in order to connect with your family or special someone during that time. I love nature and everything it has to offer, I want to capture that. With that said, I do offer stylized sessions in addition to the mini sessions, but I try to wrap them all into the mini's to make it easier for everyone.
I am a quiet thinker, so if you come at me with a billion and one poses from pinterest, I freak out and freeze up. I WELCOME your suggestions and photo ideas (and my clients know this!). Yes, please! But please also allow me to just be "me" and come up with idea's, and move with the sun, and shoot things as they "come to me". You can't "pose" real...you just can't. I love the clients who say, "let's do these main poses, and then the rest is totally up to you!" My regulars do this, and I love it!
Doug + Morgan's Engagement Session | 2013
I.love.REAL. And while these are just the top few things you should know about AFP, there are so many other layers that are fun and exciting. 
Please, do your research when looking for a photographer, and please, find someone that matches YOUR style, not just a "good photographer". And if that photographer isn't me, I'm fine with that :) I would so much rather you find someone who matches your wants and needs, rather than sticking with someone who takes good photos but doesn't match your family's style. 
With that said, I do have a stylized shoot coming up in September, which I have been working on for a few months (and will be roping my husband into building my main prop). This will be a vintage "camping" type theme, but it will be so much more. A quilted teepee/tent with rustic logs (handmade), blankets, baskets, lantern (not lit), old books. It will be the perfect time to capture those fun memories, laying out in the field, barefoot under the sunset -- spending time with your family or cuddling next to the love of your life. 
If you are interested in booking one of these stylized sessions or a regular session in September through December of this year, please contact me immediately. There are many dates that have been booked far in advance (both personal and for clients), as, believe it or not, the fall colors and Christmas rush are beginning! 
www.amyfewellphotography.com | amy.fewell@gmail.com | 540.827.8285 
... or shoot me a private message on facebook, www.facebook.com/amyfewellphotography 
There is a $50 deposit required at the time of booking. I cannot tell you how many people have booked sessions with me in the past 3 months, didn't pay the deposit, and didn't show up for their session. This is why I require a deposit. Your session is not booked until the deposit is received. 
Please know that I will always strive to give you my best, and I only expect the same in return.

love and hugs

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