February 19, 2014

{Upcoming} Simple Basics Workshop | May 3rd

I've had several of my personal friends, as well as clients, ask me that age old question... "how do I...?"

I so enjoy responding to those emails, texts, and drop ins. I really love to help people as much as I can with their question, but sometimes, you just need that hands on experience to really make things click.

So, after much consideration, I've decided to take on a very small 2-3 hour photography workshop for amateurs and new photographers who simply need to learn more about the basics of photography.

This class will take place in Remington, Va. with lots of fields and wooded area's available for us to take photos in and of. I will have a few people (and hopefully pets as well) that will be available for us to "practice" our camera skills on after you've received a crash course in learning about your DSLR, shooting in manual and shooting in RAW. Lighting and positioning are key as well, so we'll be talking about those key ingredients during our outside time.

The workshop will take place on SATURDAY, MAY 3rd (rain date, Saturday May 24th) and will begin at 12 noon. This workshop will be 1-1.5 hours of "learning" your camera and how to shoot manually, and the remainder of the time we will be spent focusing on outside work -- posing, lighting, and really learning how to shoot manually with the ever changing outside lighting.

-- THIS IS NOT AN EDITING COURSE -- I will certainly touch just slightly on simple editing techniques, but there will not be a demonstration with a computer. This is really a time to focus on learning how to properly use your camera, lighting, positioning, and the basics that so many of us took weeks to learn when we first started out.

There will be finger foods and drinks available to snack on. This is a very laid back workshop, so no need to get all dolled up! You can come in yoga pants, for all I care -- oh, how I love my yoga pants.

LIMITED SPACES ARE AVAILABLE. I would really only like to take on 6-8 people for this workshop, so please contact me ASAP if you are interested in taking this class.

The $55 includes everything that will be available to you that particular day -- the clients, the setting, the set ups and of course, we must eat!! The entire $55 is due 1 week after you've booked your space. You will be sent a paypal invoice which you can pay online -- you do not have to have a paypal account in order to pay it. If you're not comfortable paying online, you are certainly welcome to send a check through the mail -- please let me know this is your intention when you contact me. If you prefer to make two payments of $27.50, this option is available as well, however, the first $27.50 is non-refundable should you decide to back out of this workshop. All payment arrangements are due IN FULL by APRIL 1st.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask! I am very much looking forward to this fun time with you guys -- so excited!!

Email: amy.fewell@gmail.com
Phone: 540-827-8285
Or, feel free to message me on facebook!

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