There are those families throughout my career that make me feel like a part of them when I am around. The Foard's are one of those families. I can remember how shy and timid Harry was when I first took their fall family photos four years ago. And I can definitely remember how much of a nervous wreck I was. They were my very first paid family session, and I was terrified I couldn't deliver.
They were gracious and told me they loved their photos from that day, and maybe they still do, but as I look back, I am amazed by how much my style and technique has grown. But most of all, I am amazed by how much little Harry has grown. This kid keeps me laughing, and his curly hair is just a mama's dream. Now, Harry doesn't shy away from me at all. In fact, he's quite the ham for the camera. And I love it.
Here are a few of my favorites from their session a few weeks ago....
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