November 4, 2014

{Fall Mini Session} The Foard Family

There are those families throughout my career that make me feel like a part of them when I am around. The Foard's are one of those families. I can remember how shy and timid Harry was when I first took their fall family photos four years ago. And I can definitely remember how much of a nervous wreck I was. They were my very first paid family session, and I was terrified I couldn't deliver.

They were gracious and told me they loved their photos from that day, and maybe they still do, but as I look back, I am amazed by how much my style and technique has grown. But most of all, I am amazed by how much little Harry has grown. This kid keeps me laughing, and his curly hair is just a mama's dream. Now, Harry doesn't shy away from me at all. In fact, he's quite the ham for the camera. And I love it.

Here are a few of my favorites from their session a few weeks ago....

I know his face is crazy in this last photo, but it was just too cute not to share!

Thank you so much, Rick and Stephanie, for once again allowing me to capture your beautiful family. I hope you enjoy your photos!!



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